Empathetic Communities
Tackling inequality through working in communities and schools.
Providing whole school preventative work, individual and group therapeutic programmes and drop-in services in our communities.
Through Empathetic Communities we aim to listen to our local communities and respond to need. Through this programme we work with schools and deliver therapeutic work directly to young people within school-settings. We work structurally and have drop-in community groups for parents in East Cambs, Huntingdon and Soham.
Happy Minds is a whole school project based around understanding young people’s perceptions of what makes a mind happy. Through this project young people have talked to us about the importance of playing and enrichment for their mental wellbeing and especially having access to sport, creativity, nature, animals and the environment. The need for positive relationships and kindness were seen as vital factor for mental wellbeing, as well as the ability to be individual. Young people raised environmental concerns as a source of worry and saw protection of the environment and a factor contributing to positive mental wellbeing. Listening to young people through Happy Minds has led to the development of our Enrichment work throughout our service.
Happy Minds
School-based Therapy
As part of our Empathetic Community work we place therapists in schools to provide direct access to therapists for young people. We work with children and families who have experienced trauma. Our therapeutic model is based on attachment theory and we provide long-term engagement enabling the development of strong and positive therapeutic relationships. Schools are able to contact us to talk about directly procuring our services for your school.
Our drop-in parent groups are driven by the community and are needs-focussed rather than training-focussed. These groups are opportunities for parents to come and get direct support, signposting to services and drop-in wellbeing and therapeutic support. We also provide outreach and home-visits as part of this service for parents who do not feel able to come to a group setting. Contact us to find out about a group close to you or have a look at the posters below.