Our Impact
Since beginning in 2014, we have:
provided long term therapeutic support to children and families who have experienced complex trauma and abuse and are facing financial hardship. We are now working with more than 500 children and families per year.
provided preventative mental health support to over 1500 children
provided training placements for over 20 therapists and social workers
In the academic year 2022 - 2023):
69% of children we supported were eligible for free school meals. In one of our projects, the Moon Project 81% of children who were eligible for free school meals
56% of children we supported had Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
Our support has had a positive impact on children and families, improving wellbeing, reducing symptoms of trauma, increasing school attendance and engagement, and supporting families to live in safe homes where children can thrive.
Click here to download our research report amplifying the voices of children who have accessed our services!
Click here to download our new impact report!
Read this anonymised case study to learn more about how our work supports children and their families.
We were able to offer a wide range of help through our panoramic support model. This included long-term therapy for both Jimmy and Paul, as well as Paul visiting our weekly hub sessions during particularly challenging moments. We also introduced a part of our service called "theraplanning," which involves creating resources to strengthen the impact of therapy at home. For Paul and Jimmy, this meant making a therapeutic nightlight together, to help Jimmy feel safer at night and overcome his fear of the dark.
The support had positive results. Jimmy was able to work through some of his trauma, and eventually, he was able to return to live with his mother once her situation became stable. Paul shared the following feedback about the help they received.
Paul came to our drop-in hub looking for urgent help during a really difficult time. He is the grandfather of Jimmy, who had recently been placed in his care by children’s social services because of domestic abuse and trauma in Jimmy’s birth family. Paul was in crisis, both he and Jimmy needed immediate therapeutic support to cope with the effects of Jimmy’s trauma, which was understandably affecting the whole family.
“I wanted to email to say a huge thank you on behalf of Jimmy and me. I know Jimmy has really benefitted from his weekly sessions with the therapist. He spoke highly of the therapist and enjoyed his weekly sessions… He has started to understand what went on.
I have been on a massive journey thanks to the therapist. I know I had to do lots of the work but the therapist was instrumental in helping me. Her thoughtfulness, memory, kindness and awareness were astonishing. The broken man you saw all those months ago at the community centre has been healed and repaired. I still have a journey to travel but am in a place to achieve this.” - Paul