Cambridge Acorn Project is a local, front-line, charity looking to work together with local business across Cambridgeshire to make real change for local children and families who have experienced trauma and are facing financial hardship
What we’re looking for from the business community
We’re looking for tradespeople who are willing to give up their time to help families who are living in poverty and who need support with repairs e.g. laying new flooring, fixing gates/fences.
We’re also looking for local businesses who are willing to donate resources. We are regularly in need of furniture and carpet to support families who have none.
We are looking for art resources, and businesses willing to donate children’s toys to support families to be able to play together.
We are looking for businesses who are willing to support with access to enrichment classes for children who have no access. This could include swimming lessons, drama and performing arts classes, football classes, kick and boxing classes.
We are looking for partners who are willing to help raise the profile or contribute to our Trauma Fund. This fund raises money to support children and families who are facing financial difficulty and who have experienced trauma to access therapy, access enrichment activities and access basic resources.
We are looking for partners who would be willing to offer their expertise to help support our messaging. We are particularly interested in having support with our social media and website.
How we can help you give back to your community
We work with local people
We make sure your support is channelled directly to the front line to help the people who need it most. We work with children and the whole family making sure our support has the biggest impact.
We can show impact
We can track exactly where your support goes and we can show you how your help is making a tangible difference to local children and families’ lives. We can show impact
We are evidence-based
The theories and principles that underpin our work are evidence-based. We are ethical and trauma-informed. We work alongside families using shared-decision making and we use flexible-funding to ensure our interventions support families where they want help.
We are advocates
We are embedded in communities as a front-line charity and we hear the challenges first hand. We can work together to raise awareness of the inequalities our local communities face.
We are making real change
We are working to empower families to break the cycle of trauma and poverty. We work in a strength-based way to support families. We work in partnership with children and families using principles of shared-decision making.
We are responsive
We are a small local charity and we are person-centred. We are responsive to our business partners and we can help you to help our community. We are always interested in hearing new ideas so if you have a different idea of how you can help get in touch!
Our partners in the business communtiy
“Cambridge Acorn Project provides essential services to those most in need in our communities. We all know that early and tailored intervention helps children and young people to develop the skills they need to live happy, healthy and successful lives. At the heart of Tees, is a passion to help people to a better future and so we are delighted to have been offered the opportunity to work alongside CAP to improve family relationships, increase educational attainment and support good mental health for generations to come.”
Janine Collier, Executive Partner, Tees