Accessing support if you
are a parent or carer
Please read this before continuing.
You can use the forms below to get in touch with us and request support. We understand that talking or writing about difficult things through a form can be upsetting and triggering. If at any point you feel distressed and/or would prefer to talk to someone about accessing support, please call 07388 497089 between the hours of 10am - 4pm (Mon - Fri). If we cannot pick up and you would like us to ring you back please leave a voicemail. Alternatively, you can email us directly at info@cambridgeacornproject.org.uk
We want to make this a good experience for you and whilst sending this form (or calling/emailing us) does not guarantee that we will be able to support you/your child, we promise to treat your story with care and respect.
If you are ready to continue, please choose whether you are happy to fill out our full enquiry form, or whether you would prefer to begin by only filling out our shorter form. Please click on one of the buttons below.
Please note:
Cambridge Acorn Project is a charity that offers therapeutic services to children and families who have experienced trauma and are facing financial hardship. We do not offer private services and cannot charge parents/carers directly for our work.
We do not operate in Fenland or Peterborough. So if you are located in these areas, we won’t be able to to accept the referral. However, we’ll be happy to signpost you elsewhere or provide further information. In that case, please do not submit this form; instead, feel free to email us at info@cambridgeacornproject.org.uk